Source code for pycalibration.shift

#  Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Jeorme Douay <>
#  All rights reserved.

import pandas, datetime, logging
from .trigger import Trigger

[docs]class Shift(object): ''' Generate Table bevore and after shifting All the columns supplied in the data for process will be used. At the beginning of the shift, the columns will be added '_pre', at the end of the shift '_post'. ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.pre = Trigger() = Trigger()
[docs] def set_pre(self,pre,up=True): ''' Set the pre channel used for trigger :param pre: Channel name to be used as trigger :param up: Determine the signal direction ( up/down, up by default ) ''' self.pre.set_trigger(pre,up)
[docs] def set_post(self,post,up=False): ''' Set the post channel used for trigger :param pre: Channel name to be used as trigger :param up: Determine the signal direction ( up/down, up by default ) ''',up)
[docs] def process(self, data): ''' Process the data and return the table containing the shifts. :param data: pandas Dataframe containing the data, inclusive the channel to be used to detect the shift :return: Pandas dataframe containing the pre and post shifts data. ''' pre=self.pre.process(data.copy()) #pre=pre.reset_index(drop=False) pre=pre.add_suffix('_pre') #post=post.reset_index(drop=True) post=post.add_suffix('_post') results = pandas.concat([pre, post], axis=1) for col in post.columns: results[col]=results[col].shift(-1) #results = results.dropna(subset=['gear_pre']) results= results.dropna() results.drop('filename_post',axis=1,inplace=True) results.rename(columns={'filename_pre':'filename'},inplace=True)'%i shifts detected' % len(results.index)) return (results)