Source code for pycalibration.engine

import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# TODO engine configuration from JSON file
[docs]class Engine(object): ''' Class engine offers support for engine calculation and estimation. ''' def __init__(self,n=[600,1000,2000,4000,6000],t=[100,500,1000,800,100]): super().__init__() self.t = interp1d(n, t) self.tmax=max(t) p= [n[i]*t[i]/ 60 * 2 * numpy.pi for i in range(len(n))] self.pmax=max(p) ppos=p.index(max(p)) self.p=interp1d(n[0:ppos+1], p[0:ppos+1]) = interp1d(p[0:ppos+1], n[0:ppos+1]) tpos=t.index(max(t)) self.nt = interp1d(t[0:tpos+1], n[0:tpos+1])
[docs] def npower(self,power): return
[docs] def power(self,speed,limit=100): ''' Return the Power at a given engine speed and a percentage torque :param speed: engine speed in rpm :param limit: max percentage torque :return: engie power in watts ''' return self.p(speed)
[docs] def torque(self,speed,limit=100): ''' Return the torque at an engine speed with a max percentage torque ( 100% is full torque) :param speed: engine speed in rpm :param limit: maximum percent torque from curve :return: engine torque in Nm ''' return self.t(speed)*limit/100